Wherever an imbalance of power exists, especially by those in spiritual authority, the power differential present in the relationship exerts too great an influence for consent to be freely offered or received, even among those who might otherwise be considered consenting adults.
Whatever role they hold within the church, people come to their pastor much like a counselor, with an implicit understanding that their pastor is safe.
Sexual misconduct—or grooming by a pastor or priest—is an abuse of positional power and unearned trust. This is clergy sexual abuse, a form of spiritual abuse.
Right-naming matters, and being clear in communication helps people grapple with the truth appropriately. When emotional or sexual lines are crossed:
It is not an affair; it's clergy sexual abuse.
A sexual relationship of any kind between a pastor and any individual(s) under their span of care or leadership is always an abuse of power, and adult clergy sexual abuse is illegal in 14 states and D.C.
Notes: If you have experienced the heartbreak of adult clergy sexual abuse, we know it isn't easy to accept or name this reality. This can be difficult at any level your trust has been betrayed. You have been groomed to be loyal to your perpetrator, and breaking free from that loyalty can be extremely difficult. We encourage you to reach out to someone on our team who can help and point you to more resources for your journey.
Regarding the Sexual Abuse of Children:
Clergy sexual abuse in any form occurs when a member of the clergy uses their position of trust to engage in an inappropriate relationship with someone they've been entrusted to shepherd or lead.
While all such
abuse is harmful,
this is most grievous when it involves children and must ALWAYS be reported to legal authorities, regardless of proof of allegations.

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
- John 8:32 NLT